South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania

South Sister - flora and fauna

environmental reasons for not logging .....

Euphrasis collina flowering Tasmanian Devil
E. collina ssp. deflexifolia - rare vegetation found growing at South Sister. Tasmanian Devil

There are many environmental reasons why logging should not go ahead on the South Sister and include:

The South Sister and surrounding forests are unique having enormous biodiversity. There are many threatened species (both flora and fauna) which have been identified in the area. Previously recorded on the proposed coupe (165 hectares), are four species which are endangered or protected including the endangered grey goshawk Accipiter novaehollandiae and blind velvet worm Tasmanipatus anophthalmus, the rare Euphrasia collina deflexifolia (Eastern Eyebright) and the protected Eucalyptus brookeriana.

Within 5000m of the coupe, a further thirteen threatened plant species and five threatened flora have been identified (see below). In addition, the Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii was once plentiful but with the facial tumour which has now afflicted the devil leading to drastically reduced numbers, it is now rare to see a devil in the area.

Three moths not previously recorded in Tasmania have been identified on the South Sister. A further 6 moths not previously recorded in any of the Tasmanian National Parks have also been found on the South Sister in 2004.

A new species of lichen and a lichen never before recorded in Tasmania have been identified as well as a two lichens rarely found which will be nominated for Threatened Species Listing.

Detailed surveys have not been carried out on the South Sister and it is likely that there are additional threatened species which have not yet been identified.

threatened species in the area:

Fauna (7 species)

Flora (15 species)


To date, 90 species of moths have been identified however it is expected that there will be many more than this. There are a few species which have not been identified in Tasmania previously (see below) and an additional six that have not been recorded in any Tasmanian National Park.

New Species not previously found in Tasmania

Moths not previously recorded in a National Park in Tasmania

Lichens found on South Sister

178 lichen species were identified by two lichenologists in 2004 including one newly recorded species and a species not previously found in Tasmania. In addition, two rare species were also found and will be nominated for listing on the Threatened Species List.

New species

New record for Tasmania

Rare lichens which will be nominated for listing on Threatened species list in Tasmania

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