South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania

South Sister Correspondence

email to mr g. wilkinson

From: Frances Daily
To: Mr. G. Wilkinson
Sent: Monday, 16 January 2006
[email addresses redacted]

Dear Mr Wilkinson,

Invitation to South Sister

I have never had the opportunity to speak with you directly which I do regret.

You are undoubtedly aware of the recent review by Ralph Rallings regarding the inaccuracies in a report produced by Dr McIntosh and Mr Weldon in September 2005. If you do not have a copy please let me know and I will send you a copy so you can familiarise yourself with the issues.

I would like to invite you to the South Sister to see for yourself that these inaccuracies do exist. Without this first hand knowledge I do believe you are not fully informed of the gravity of the situation. In addition, I am not sure whether you are aware of the areas in question i.e. Zone E and Zone S and if you came to South Sister you could familiarise yourself with both.

Finally I would like to request to you that you also meet with Mr Ralph Rallings (in Hobart or at South Sister) to obtain further information from him regarding the said area. Ralph is a very personable fellow who only has the general public's interests at heart. He has no hidden agendas, no animosity towards government departments (he is indeed a government worker) and is only interested in 'the truth'.

In a letter from you dated February 25, 2005 you stated to me that 'I also advise you that the FPB will continue to consider any new information that is relevant to the logging of the coupe'. I certainly have new information that is definitely relevant to the logging of the coupe and I trust that you will consider my request with the utmost urgency.

I look forward to hearing that you will organise your schedule to accommodate a trip to South Sister in the very near future.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Frances Daily.

[Responded 2006/01/25]

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