South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania

South Sister Correspondence

'significant errors' in ft proof of evidence

From: Frances Daily
To: Isobel Stanley
Cc: assorted bods including Minister
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 7:57 AM
[email addresses redacted]

Dear Ms Stanley,

Review paper regarding misleading and false information about South Sister landslip issues

Further to my correspondence of October 7, October 24 and November 13, 2005 to you regarding South Sister I would like to provide you with a review paper written by Ralph Rallings, Engineer with more than 40 years of experience in landslide assessment, 20 years of which has been spent in Tasmania.

As you will see in his document, he questions the validity of Dr McIntosh and Mr Weldon's final proof of evidence (September 27, 2005) stating that there have been 'significant errors' and it '... contains false and misleading information on an issue central to the slope stability issue'. He recommends that forestry operations should not be permitted within or adjacent to Slide B and the northeastern face of the coupe should be excluded from logging.

Please find attached the first part of the review which for logistical reasons has been scanned in two parts. I apologise for the quality and rotation of the documents however I think you will find them very interesting. The second part is to follow this email.

I again call on you as Chair of the Forest Practices Authority Board, to establish an independent survey by Mineral Resources Tasmania or a person or persons identified by MRT to be suitably qualified and experienced.

I realise you are probably very busy and winding down for Christmas however it would be good if I could have acknowledgement of this email and your immediate thoughts on the situation. It would very much appreciate it.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Frances Daily

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