South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania

South Sister

Reasons not to log Coupe NI 114A

Forestry Tasmania (FT) has failed to respond and satisfactorily answer many questions and issues raised by the St Marys' community in relation to the logging of Coupe NI 114A, South Sister.

It has therefore become necessary to take legal action against FT in relation to the South Sister. FT has stopped consulting and by its recent destructive actions is running rough-shod over the community' concerns about this special mountain. FT began constructing roads on the coupe on Monday February 21, 2005.

This legal action is all about a small community standing up to government bureaucracy and corporations, who place money above environmental and animal protection, consultation with local communities and the health and well-being of people who are living in local communities.

Legal actions through the Resource Management and Planning Appeals Tribunal and/or the Supreme Court of Tasmania seem to be, at present, the only way FT will be controlled and made accountable to the law.

Logging the South Sister:

Pledge to Save South Sister

[Please run this through your printer to get a form.]




I, ..............................................................


Hereby pledge and promise to pay one hundred dollars ($100) towards costs associated with any Tribunal hearing or Supreme Court action undertaken by individuals within the St Marys' community against Forestry Tasmania and involving the logging of Coupe NI114A, South Sister, St Marys.


This pledge of one hundred dollars will be made good by a payment for this amount to Save Our Sister


Please complete and return this form to

Save our Sisters
P O Box 84
St Marys
Tasmania 7215








Phone:.................... E-mail:...............................



Signed:.................................... Dated:...............

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