South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania

South Sister

introducing dirty machinery

[Email to the Chief Forest Practices Officer, Forest Practices Board, Tasmania]

From: David Clement
Sent: Monday, 21 February 2005 12:31 PM

To: Mr. Graham Wilkinson
Cc: Mr. Steve Manson, Mr. Evan Rolley, ABC News
[email addresses redacted]

Subject: Breach of FPP PWJ0010

Mr Wilkinson,

I write to confirm my telephoned complaint made today about a breach of the above Plan by Forestry Tasmania or its contractors, a complaint that was also left as a message on the mobile phone of Mr S. Manson, Forestry Tasmania.

The Plan requires, - Page 9 Item 5 Weed Control - that 'any machinery operating in this coupe should be thoroughly washed down prior to entering the coupe'.

Machinery that entered the coupe this morning was patently not thoroughly washed down, as witnessed by many people.

It is symbolic of the planning of this coupe, that the very first physical action by Forestry Tasmania is illegal.

Please advice me of whether you will require photographs and witness statements in due course as part of the discharge of your duty in this matter.

It would be appreciated if you would acknowledge receipt of this formal complaint.

D W Clement

[This email has been acknowledged and original complaint responded to.]

Dirty machinery
'the very first physical action by Forestry Tasmania is illegal'
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