South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania

Graham Wilkinson
Chief Forest Practices Officer
Forest Practices Board
30 Patrick St, Hobart
Hobart 7000
24 January, 2005


Dear Mr Wilkinson,

I write to ask you to revoke the certification of the Forest Practice Plan No. PWJ0010 for Coupe NI 114A, Nicholas Range, St Marys as the plan is deficient in the following:

In addition, the dates of the Plan are incorrect with the certifying officer dating the plan nearly two years before one of the contractors!

If logging goes ahead on this coupe there may be dire consequences. Landslips are highly likely, local residents will have their water threatened, various threatened species will be destroyed or disturbed and cultural heritage will be affected.

I urge you to reconsider the certification of this unprofessional and poorly put-together plan as soon as possible.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely

[Responded 2005/02/25]

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