South Sister St. Marys, Tasmania

South Sister - rock climbing

The South Sister is an excellent place for rock climbing. It lies on the eastern end of the Nicholas Range, 5 kms north of St Marys and has a beautiful rocky peak rising to 832 metres. There are 7 dolerite crags offering 60 excellent climbs with varying grades from mid to very difficult. Two local climbers, Ashley Mason and Peter Witton have been climbing this mountain for 10 years and have 'discovered' most of these climbs. They continue to climb regularly and find other areas not yet developed.

There is a strong emphasis on cranking cracks as well as other varied routes all of which are protected. The crags face different directions therefore climbs are often determined by the weather. West facing crags are best in summer and have an alpine feel to them, whereas the eastern facing crags are good any time particularly in winter when the westerly winds whistle over the top of the mountain. The crags are a great place to perfect jamming skills.

Many climbs are good training for longer routes as many cracks are single pitch yet sustained. The rock is generally sound and routes are clean but care should still be taken for loose rocks.

There are fantastic views for many miles up and down the east coast as well as west to the Fingal valley.

We have an animated pictoral (475KB) of rock climbing guru John Fantini climbing 'Science Circus'.

For more information about rock climbing on South Sister contact us or check out the books Craglets and Climb Northern Tasmania.

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